Sunday, September 30, 2012

One Hundred.

In honour of my hundredth blog post,
Let there be Fireworks!

Also, let us explore the mysterious wonderland that is hundred!

A hundred year old man

The Hundred Acre Wood

Hundred(s) of Harry Potter books

A hundred dollar bill

One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Hundred Islands

"Hundred" by The Fray


The Hundredth Episode (of Friends)

Hundred Eyes Dragon
It's a lovely milestone - and I've had a brilliant time blogging so far. And I hope you've enjoyed reading my humble little scribble pad on the Internet, you beautiful blog reader, you.
And here's to a hundred more!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Birthday-ing It Up!

It's been a year since my last post.

Therefore, by my unfathomable mathematical skills, today must be .....
Drumroll Please!


Cue the Fireworks!

You know what time it is -- it's Customary Annual Birthday Blog time!

In which I turn 12 for the eighth time!

And what did I do on this fine, gloriously sunny day?

Exploring, relishing cakes and cupcakes, chopsticking my way through an incredible lunch, taking pictures, reading, penning stories, Potter-ing, making animals out of newspaper, pancake smileys and ---- wait now. What's the fun if I tell you all of what I did.

It was a lovely day.

Let's leave it at that.

And let us reflect on the days that have passed and the days ahead.
And I must mention,
I love you, Sirius - the most beautiful, wonderful canine in the world! :)

Lessons have been learnt and mistakes are waiting to be made - hark, am I getting old? Where is all my immaturity!

The Cake was absolutely delicious! - That's more like it.

As always, I find it quite hard to believe I'm a year older. I enjoy the cake, balloons, wrapping paper and candles far too much to believe I'm ninet.... 12 for the eighth time.

Anyway, let's hope this year is as delicious as my cake.

And Happy International Peace Day!

And Happy The Scribbler Kid Day!

And now, it's time for me to get back to my cake!
It's only fair that I give that beautiful cake the attention it deserves!
Thanks for sticking by me, folks :)
And Happy Unbirthday to You!

P.S. I know I'm quite late with the new blog stuff, will commence shortly!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

What A Little Birthday Bum!

In which I give my customary yearly blog post!

After months of negligence, I cannot come up with enough excuses to cover up my absence on the blogosphere. But one ritual every year, for the past few years, is to give a Birthday Blog Post :)

So a year older and still as immature and silly as ever! :)
With a day filled with Pumpkin Cream Cheese muffins, chocolate cupcakes, Chinese food, massive cookies and the traditional (triple-flavoured) slushie, it was a sweet birthday indeed (as always!)!
And not to forget the scrumtilidumptious cake! Apparently in an attempt to  surprise me (which they did!), my family plotted to have a beautiful, heavenly-tasting Red Velvet Cake with 'Happy Birthday' icing, delivered right to my doorstep!
It was simply marvelous - a cake that I will taste many a time in my fond recollections of this day.
Getting lost in massive, endlessly winding libraries, getting drowsy in overstuffed armchairs with a book in my lap, exploring the streets and cuisine, taking pictures and writing at cafes, watching football and movies, and best of all - ALL THE POTTER! - yes, what a lovely day.

And all the wishes, calls, emails, voice mails and online messages - made my day warmer :)
Thank you!

I love doing these posts at the end of my birthday - as I reflect upon the day, remember the previous ones and look forward to a better and brighter year.
Thank you for staying by me and reading till the end.
I hope you had a great day too.
Remember when you earn some cake, eat it too!
Or stuff half of it in a miniature fridge and eat it endlessly, ecstatically, euphorically lost in its unbelievable delicious-ness for an entire week, like I will! :)

[P.S. I'm working on my blog revamp - on some level of consiousness!]
[P.S. (2) That cake is so amazing it should eat itself - but I'll probably do that before it can even try!]

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Another little Update

I've realised why I haven't spent much time on my blog, lately.
It's been stagnating - the same dreary text, overly dark colour palatte and the occassional un-funny pictures.

So, I'm going to revamp. Yes! Let's have that again, in lights!

Starting July, I'm going to be tearing out the wallpaper, working from scratch - painting up the blog with personality - creating the framework with my very own HTML tags and GIMP fiddling skills.

I'm going to be more quirky, less preachy.
And I'm going to do some shameless blog/self-promotion, to make stuff engaging.

Anyhooo... that's all I wanted to say.


And that I was one of the first persons to hear about Pottermore - just for the record.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Look! It's Me, Again.

I've been missing in the blogosphere for the past 5 months.
Of course you didn't notice - I didn't expect you too.
But if you did, I'm flattered.

Why have I been hiding under my desk, you ask?
No, it's not because of the supposed rapture.
After two years of soul-sucking, dreary, high school work, I've put my IB diploma days behind me. And got out alive.
The endless coursework and exams meant no time for moments of frivolous blogging.

But now, I'm back. Here to stay.
Will post something substantial in a bit.
How have you been?

                                [And here's some hazel-eyed doggy love for you]

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

5 Things I Loved About 2010

Well 2010 has been, like most years, eventful. I'm in a list-making mood, as of now.
Sooo, Presenting...

5 Things I Loved About 2010

5. The Chilean Miners safe recovery after months of deliberation and hard work. The attitude, determination, will and good humour of the miners, especially that of the supervisor, astounded me.
Also tied for 5th place is Earth Hour 2010. It highlights the growing awareness and initiatives taken all around the world to take a step further in combating Global Climate Change and Energy Wastage. Please, continue :)

4. Aung San Suu Kyi's release. A bright symbol, a tribute to fighting for human rights, feminism and freedom. Such a humble human being with such a big heart. She's still fighting after years of isolation, separation and imprisonment. A true and inspiring hero.

3. FIFA 2010 "It's Time for Africa" - The addictive anthem, the festive, explosive culture and most importantly the wonderful game of Football at its beautiful best. What better way to top off such a glorious event than to crown the much deserving, fiesty Spanish Team the kings of Football!
And R.I.P. Paul The Pscyhic Octopus :'(

2. Harry Potter - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 The Movie and the Harry Potter Theme Park; both in one year? HELL, YEAH.

1. SIRIUS! He's always the highlight of my year :) Thanks for everything buddy!

They're probably not in exact preferential order (except #1) but it's a list nonetheless.

T-2, folks.


My Bloggie is an Oldie

6 more to a Century!

That's an achievement.
100 posts - WOW! (Well, not yet.) I've been rambling a lot haven't I?

So as a treat, I'll not ramble - and instead post up some of my pictures. Remember, the photography hobby?
I'm proudly addicted to it now.

It's all copyrighted, so don't try anything :)

Well, this isn't my best work. Because those are up for sale and I don't take to people using my work without giving me credit. Anyway, this is just a few of A LOT of pictures. And they're all taken with a compact digital camera- you know the small ones that fit in your pocket - save for the first one.
I would have put up more but Blogger was being difficult (I still love you Blogger. Very, very much.)

Anyway, that's it for now. Ta!