Monday, August 17, 2009

Dial R-E-A-L-I-T-Y

Just the other day, when my dad came home from work, he flourished a piece of paper and declared that I was to speak to a girl whose phone number was incidentally scrawled on the paper, for some required information.
"Call her?" I echoed in a hollow voice.
I then proceed to ask him for her email address.
"I've got only her phone number"
I shook my head, reluctantly. How could I just 'talk to her on the phone'?
But then it hit me.
I was unwilling to talk to someone on the telephone, not because I'm phenomenally technologically advanced, just disinclined to an actual live conversation.
I realised that man has propelled himself so far into the future that he has forgotten the touch and feel of what's real.
We converse with our friends through Facebook, chat, video conferencing and an array of applications.
We 'text' our mates sitting two seats away rather than just getting up and telling them what we want to say.
We no longer listen to the comforting, deep, reassuring voices of humans and rather to the hard, metallic pings of computer notifications and cell phone rings.
So it's time we changed our mechanical habits.
Try taking a stroll with a friend or drop by for a visit at your neighbour's house. Keep in touch with your friends by talking to them and they'll like you better for that rather than artificial SMSs.
Now I must leave you for I have to make a rather important phone call to a girl I've been meaning to talk to.

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