It's been ages.
Months, actually. I'm ashamed.
It's all this work, these examinations, these deadlines, the second blog and the infuriatingly addictive Redbubble - I've hardly had time to pay attention to poor old bloggie.
Well, I'm back, now. Fixed the fuse. More regular and devoted than before, I hope.
I still remember the first five months following the birth of this rather premature blog - an obsession, writing page long posts, euphoria, unbelievably and unnecessarily exuberant over Don't Fuse The Muse.
If I remember correctly, this little blog began, christened with another name - The Canvas.
With a Pyzam Journal background and a lengthy, forgettable URL that had too many hyphens for its own good.
Ahh. The good old days.
Time has whizzed past.
And now, I must stop rambling like an eighty year old, rocking-chair-ridden, bespectacled Ruth.
Chocolate, sugar-glazed oreos await me, calling out from their hermetically sealed packaging. Musn't disappoint them.
Ah... what's Redbubble ? :P
Redbubble is an amazing art, photography, design and writing website to showcase your work :)
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