Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Seventeen Forever

It's that day of the year again :)
Yes, the one with cakes and multicoloured candles and flourescent balloons that stay afloat even a week later.


Wow. That's hard to believe. Let's get that in capitals, shall we?


The message hasn't quite sunk in.
I still haven't shed my seven year old maturity level. This evening I could hardly contain my excitement at my extra large quadruple layered slushie.
Seventeen indeed.

So like last year, my birthday, besides chocolate oozing cakes, has been filled with messing around in school, eating tonnes of ice cream, watching Agnes nearly hug her toy to death, playing around with the best dog in the world, Sirius, and gleefully taking dozens of pictures with the brand new camera.

And to top it up, International Peace Day is catching on quicker. White t-shirt, poems, documentaries and a moment of silence - just a small token of recognition and gratitude. A small yet significant step. :)

And, something that brightened my day - The Ballad of Nearly Headless Nick!
J.K.Rowling is a legend.
Squinting at the tiny print on the images splashed across the middle pages of today's newspaper, I hope to see it published officially. Soon.

Well, well, what do you know.
It's been quite a good day.

Seventeen sounds a bit too soon, growing up too fast.
But it seems to come with a good looking supply of cake.

Mmmm. Cake.



Anonymous said...

Hi there..
before anything else, here's wishing you a slightly belated happy birthday...
Alright I can't contain myself any longer : your blog is amazing. (urgh where are those adjectives when I need them ?!?)No honestly, your blog was a true revelation. I never had the faintest idea that you were so totally into blogging - oh boy, it sure is refreshing to find someone whose world extends beyond a certain 8-lettered word beginning with 'F' and ending with 'K' !!
Well then, keep it up.. your writing is truly, umm, 'inspiring' (?) .. maybe that's because trying to conquer those ruddy CommonApp and supplement essay writing has left me feeling unimaginably morose, depressed and disillusioned...which reminds me - are you planning to explore options in the West too ?
Right... forgive me for keeping myself in the dark for so long...(maybe I should have thought of other means of contacting you, but I simply couldn't help appreciating your posts)... So yea, its S.S. here...(Indian School, class X-'A' , 2008-2009, ..ring any bells ?) ;-)
All the best..

Mohamed Toorani said...

Hello, Let me first say : Happy Birthday. I just want to also say that your blog is a very unique one, I'm a bit new at blogging ( just started back in Late July) but I've found your blog to be very interesting , Both grammatically and creatively (Although I can't say the same about mine :S) Keep up the Good Work :)

P.S. I'm an Avid reader of your articles in Gulf Weekly, they are the best (my opinion) :)

From : A teen who Reads *cough* a lot

The Scribbler Kid said...

S.S, first off, I'm terribly sorry I've replied so late. I'm horrible with time management. figures.
But, it was a pleasant surprise to hear from you :)
And thank you for the wishes and thanks for taking the time out to read my random muses. :)

haha, maybe I should find you on facebook, perhaps?
And yes, I'm applying to the US and Canada!
And I've been on the blog scene for a while, well, admittedly not very much during the past 4 months.

It was really nice to hear from you though :)

The Scribbler Kid said...

Rani, hey :) Sorry for the (extremely) late reply!

Thanks a lot :)(for both the wishes and the great comments)

I've read your blog as well and it really is interesting :) Thought-provoking!

haha. I consider my columns my worst pieces of writing :/ since I do them in a hurry, just before publication deadline :( sigh, I shall never learn.

haha, anyway, keep up the great work and just a heads up - if you want to meet other bloggers or generate interest in your blog, you have to advertise a bit. Head on down to the 'Coffee House' (a bit like a blogger forum that's available on Blogger's help homepage)
Happy Blogging! :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful!! I loved every bit of this post! The icing on the cake was to learn that you too are a HP fan! You are aren't you?..And is "SIRIUS" really your pet dog's name?......=D

The Scribbler Kid said...

Thank you :)

I'm not a 'fan', let me put it this way, if Potterism is a religion, I would be Archbishop :)

Andd Yes, Sirius is my dog's name! :)

Thanks for reading!