Thursday, July 30, 2009

Tyranny of the Toothpicks

I was mall-walking the other day, browsing through stores, running my hand against the soft, smooth fabric of clothes on the rack, giving an approving nod or two and taking in that pleasant fresh scent of new garments.
It's not that I like shopping. Heavens, no.
But it is fun to act skeptic, walking tall among clothes that seem to have been laid down for your final scrutinizing and judgement.
It was when I was examining a rather Cornish-pixie-dotted pair of pants(They really do exist. Check the last display rack, right of the changing rooms.), that a girl walked past; to be precise- a stick of a girl walked past.
She was so rigidly skinny and wrapped in miniature clothes- It made me marvel at the fact that people come in such small sizes.
This is in no way a ridicule of said girl. She merely is an example, or rather a representative of thousands of teenage adolescent girls who have fallen prey to anorexia nervosa.
Yes, yes, we know- Nicky and Paris Hilton, Victoria Beckham, Lindsay Lohan... all disappearing and vanishing before the eyes of the paparazzi and the public, wilting away like yesterday's salad lettuce leaves.
I did a bit of Google Image Searching on anorexia and I nearly needed a bag to puke into when the pictures hit the screen.
There are female beings with limbs that seem to be sticking out of them like oddly bent straws and their skin is stretched faintly over the pile of rickety bones, they call their skeletal structure.
Tripping over some one's feet may end up as hairline fractures for them. Fragile, breakable, light as thin ice, their bones are.
There is no need to starve yourself or take drugs to drop a few dress sizes or loose a couple of extra pounds.
Be happy with your body and you feel lighter already with the weight off your shoulders.
J.K.Rowling once wrote about the 'wanarexia' craze spreading contagiously in clear, logical, pragmatic writing. is her website where she wrote her article posted in the 'Extra Stuff' section of her website under 'Only for Girls, probably..'
Take a read and think about the whole idea rationally.
Does it matter the size you are? Isn't it more rewarding to be a better person rather than a starved, malnurtioned, underweight product of society.
Your Food, Your Body, Your Future.

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