Wednesday, December 29, 2010

5 Things I Loved About 2010

Well 2010 has been, like most years, eventful. I'm in a list-making mood, as of now.
Sooo, Presenting...

5 Things I Loved About 2010

5. The Chilean Miners safe recovery after months of deliberation and hard work. The attitude, determination, will and good humour of the miners, especially that of the supervisor, astounded me.
Also tied for 5th place is Earth Hour 2010. It highlights the growing awareness and initiatives taken all around the world to take a step further in combating Global Climate Change and Energy Wastage. Please, continue :)

4. Aung San Suu Kyi's release. A bright symbol, a tribute to fighting for human rights, feminism and freedom. Such a humble human being with such a big heart. She's still fighting after years of isolation, separation and imprisonment. A true and inspiring hero.

3. FIFA 2010 "It's Time for Africa" - The addictive anthem, the festive, explosive culture and most importantly the wonderful game of Football at its beautiful best. What better way to top off such a glorious event than to crown the much deserving, fiesty Spanish Team the kings of Football!
And R.I.P. Paul The Pscyhic Octopus :'(

2. Harry Potter - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 The Movie and the Harry Potter Theme Park; both in one year? HELL, YEAH.

1. SIRIUS! He's always the highlight of my year :) Thanks for everything buddy!

They're probably not in exact preferential order (except #1) but it's a list nonetheless.

T-2, folks.


My Bloggie is an Oldie

6 more to a Century!

That's an achievement.
100 posts - WOW! (Well, not yet.) I've been rambling a lot haven't I?

So as a treat, I'll not ramble - and instead post up some of my pictures. Remember, the photography hobby?
I'm proudly addicted to it now.

It's all copyrighted, so don't try anything :)

Well, this isn't my best work. Because those are up for sale and I don't take to people using my work without giving me credit. Anyway, this is just a few of A LOT of pictures. And they're all taken with a compact digital camera- you know the small ones that fit in your pocket - save for the first one.
I would have put up more but Blogger was being difficult (I still love you Blogger. Very, very much.)

Anyway, that's it for now. Ta!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Season's Greetings!

Hello World!

Wishing you a...
Merry Christmas!
Hope your holiday is filled with cheer :) and your stockings with gifts.

Have a great time with friends and family! And try to remember the significance of this much-celebrated day.

Now, go, hurry to bed and pretend to be asleep. Santa is watching.

Have a Happy Christmas, folks.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Eyes on the Prize - But What is the Prize?

Keeping with the theme of Muse, I found myself staring off into space, contemplating on one of life's many mysteries. I was trying to piece out the difference between competition and envy.

Different things, you argue. Maybe. But they seem awfully close, it's hard to tell which one is which.
Do we work for first place - for self-satisfaction or for the satisfaction of beating others? Are our motives purely selfish and self-indulgent? Is being competitive mean that you are jealous of others' victories?

You see, there's a very fine line. And it's hard to distinguish between them - as our convoluted human emotions swirl into a tangled incomprehensible mass.

It's an honest, open question.
One that I pose to you.
Can we be 'in the race' because we need to quell a personal burning desire or is our motives inclusive of 'ensuring no one else gets to win'?

To keep your churning brain cogs company is a Paint doodle.
Happy Musing.
Green-Eyed Vs. Gameface : Food for Thought, perhaps?

Monday, December 20, 2010

Falalalalala... Oh it's just not the same any more.

It's T-5 to the big day, eh?
The one with the jolly old man, the one that wears too much red and has too much time and money on his hands?
Yup, It's Christmas time. *Cue Play tape of Off-key voices singing carols*

The Commercial Holiday for the Ages.
What better way to cash in on the merriment of others than a buy one ugly plastic tree and get a smorgasbord of gaudy lights, that can cause your house to short circuit, free.


The rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer and the media is getting the largest slice of pie. Whoopee.

What happened to Good ol' Christmas?
You know the one with having family home cooked dinners and surprising people with gifts?
What happened to the holiday humanitarian spirit?
What happened to REAL people standing out in the cold, yelling carols in off-key voices?

Sighhh. The individualistic, materialistic, metallic heart that pumps adrenaline into the blood of men has killed the Christmas Spirit. Chalk out an outline of Santa. REAL Christmas is dead. (Unless you're an eight year old girl - in that case, Santa is real, Christmas is NOT dead, and eat your veggies.)

So do me a favour folks and do something good this Christmas. Restore my faith in the human race. Make a donation. Help out at a shelter. Or just don't splurge out with Christmas as an excuse.

Christmas, or any holiday for that matter, is about being with friends and family, cherishing what you have and being thankful for it.

So, go ahead. Say Thank you.
And then be good and crawl into bed.
And pretend to sleep and maybe something good will drop into your stocking.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The End of a Decade

It seems awfully cliche to start of with, "It seems like only yesterday that people were getting drunk over the turn of the millennium".

Well, not that cliche.

Oh, well. How about "Remember the good old days?"


Well, let's try again.

The Noughties are over. What do we call the next one - The Tenies? The Tenos? The Tennetubbies?

Ahh. Third time is the charm.

Well, yes. It's been ten years. TEN whole years. That's quite a lot. Isn't it?
We've lived through an entire decade that has seen the invention of the hybrid car, the laptop, the iPod, the iPad and basically anything Steve Jobs has churned out.
Boy, it's time to get those journals out.
Need to get these younger generations a wiff of what it was like, back in the day, eh?

So expect an onslaught of nostalgic, back through memory lane posts in the coming month.
Someone out there must be wondering if I'm a fifty year old man facing a mid-life crisis.

So how about a mix of aspirations and reflections? That sounds good, doesn't it?
Good? hmm. Maybe a bit too strong a word, perhaps?
But now with a little (read: scarce) time on my hands, I'll hopefully be posting up some interesting posts, soon enough.

Till then, how's December working out for you folks?
I've already seen people get their Uggs and scarves out.
But then again, it's about 30 degrees, the only thing you'll probably need is shades and some Snapple.

Yum, Snapple.