Saturday, December 4, 2010

The End of a Decade

It seems awfully cliche to start of with, "It seems like only yesterday that people were getting drunk over the turn of the millennium".

Well, not that cliche.

Oh, well. How about "Remember the good old days?"


Well, let's try again.

The Noughties are over. What do we call the next one - The Tenies? The Tenos? The Tennetubbies?

Ahh. Third time is the charm.

Well, yes. It's been ten years. TEN whole years. That's quite a lot. Isn't it?
We've lived through an entire decade that has seen the invention of the hybrid car, the laptop, the iPod, the iPad and basically anything Steve Jobs has churned out.
Boy, it's time to get those journals out.
Need to get these younger generations a wiff of what it was like, back in the day, eh?

So expect an onslaught of nostalgic, back through memory lane posts in the coming month.
Someone out there must be wondering if I'm a fifty year old man facing a mid-life crisis.

So how about a mix of aspirations and reflections? That sounds good, doesn't it?
Good? hmm. Maybe a bit too strong a word, perhaps?
But now with a little (read: scarce) time on my hands, I'll hopefully be posting up some interesting posts, soon enough.

Till then, how's December working out for you folks?
I've already seen people get their Uggs and scarves out.
But then again, it's about 30 degrees, the only thing you'll probably need is shades and some Snapple.

Yum, Snapple.

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