Thursday, December 23, 2010

Eyes on the Prize - But What is the Prize?

Keeping with the theme of Muse, I found myself staring off into space, contemplating on one of life's many mysteries. I was trying to piece out the difference between competition and envy.

Different things, you argue. Maybe. But they seem awfully close, it's hard to tell which one is which.
Do we work for first place - for self-satisfaction or for the satisfaction of beating others? Are our motives purely selfish and self-indulgent? Is being competitive mean that you are jealous of others' victories?

You see, there's a very fine line. And it's hard to distinguish between them - as our convoluted human emotions swirl into a tangled incomprehensible mass.

It's an honest, open question.
One that I pose to you.
Can we be 'in the race' because we need to quell a personal burning desire or is our motives inclusive of 'ensuring no one else gets to win'?

To keep your churning brain cogs company is a Paint doodle.
Happy Musing.
Green-Eyed Vs. Gameface : Food for Thought, perhaps?

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