Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Blogger's Debut

Whizzing and popping, spiralling in pirouettes, Thoughts zoom about in the close confines and parameters of my head, yearning to break free, to spark the dying embers of a fire into new life and to take purposeful, solid form beyond the surreal realms of my brain.

Pouring over equations or struggling to imprint unending answers on my brain parchment, these Thoughts, handcuffed and handicapped, both writhe in agony of not tasting freedom as well as stealthily slip out and cause havoc and pandemonium to my concentration.

This Blog is meant to immortalise and immobilise my Thoughts in print for time immemorial where they can be scrutinised and dissected and get the attention that they are deprived of whilst rotting in my head.

Sporadic writing and dearth of time has fractured my writing style and has taken its toll. This Blog, I hope, will re-ignite that old vigour and enthusiasm and bring back that dying writer from within.

This Blog is like a field where I intend to cultivate my desire for writing implements and stretches of uninterrupted still silence and let my creativity spring up in full bloom.

Enhancing my writing, providing constructive criticism, acting as a 'Penseive' for my idle, fluttering thoughts and dreams and a net to capture my words in jet black sparkling ink, this Blog means a lot to me. It is a portal into my mind and interestingly, yours as well. Writing devotedly in this blog, I hope to learn from my readers and my own writing on the way. This Blog will help me to delve into the fascinating phenomenon they call life, to untie the knotted mysteries of life and to plunge into life itself, living a more prolific, tangible, rewarding and fruitful existence.

And here begins a new journey, a voyage to the depths of my person. This is a trek to the rocky terrain and the winding path of my personality and I hope to discover the beauty that dots the sidelines, the glorious sunrise, the ambience of the surroundings, the roots of my support, the heart of kinship and on the way, I hope to discover myself as well...

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