Sunday, April 19, 2009

Changing Times

Change is, ironically, unchangeable.
It is inevitable. It is as natural as the ebb and flow of the gurgling, foamy sea tide and the rise and fall of the brilliant, glowering sun through the delicate horizon.

"I think God's going to come down and pull civilization over for speeding. " ~Steven Wright

This techno-era hurtles us through the fast-pacing of technology with the future re-inventing itself with every nanosecond. The startling velocity at which we seem to be racing into the future leaves me paralysed by both fear and awe. Tangles of wires, no wires at all, microchips, solar cells, cords and cables; this fascinating farrago and jumble is both devastatingly confusing and immensely delightful and mesmerizing. They coil their way to advancement, through a long, winding road, which no one knows where it'll end and where we're going. Hurtling at break-necking speed, the world has evolved beyond recognition from the yesteryear.
We now have robots, an actual embodiment of artificial intelligence, whizzing about our world, constantly improving the industrial and comfort faces of our lives. Machines making machines, conferencing through screens and holograms, virtual reality, overseas operations- It's a world gone mad! Or a world gone über techno savvy! Or both. Techno-Terminator is a word that sparks interest at this point. Are we to be ruled by the machines that we breathed to life?

But enough of this. More than the fast diversifying of technology, dynamic and bustling, I'd like to illuminate the toll that change inflicts upon flesh and blood- Humans(homo sapiens for those not acquainted with said species)
It got me really thinking, pondering and oddly, worrying.
A number of my friends, old classmates and other acquaintances, now that I have gotten in touch with them, have changed beyond recognition; a bizarre transformation from their former self.
No, not alter egos. They don't suffer from personality disorders either. Thank you very much.
Here are, a few scenarios where they seem to have transformed, I presume: Many of them have either changed to schools hosting a British or American curriculum while some have even gone abroad and settled in countries like America, Australia, the United Kingdom. You name it.
Being in a whole new world and whole new social background and 'status-quo' oriented society and culture, they have, I shudder to say, Changed. Drastically.
While some have acquired an oddly entertaining and amusing accent, others have gone further to dressing in clothes they would have laughed themselves silly had someone asked them to try them on a few years ago. A few have given in to peer pressure and have joined the cavalry of drunkards, partying away at unthinkable hours. Some of the girls have even become physically unrecognizable, plastered with cosmetics (Shame on you! They're either derived from animals or tested on them!) and have had their facial features preened; the result being: a new, physically different person with a fake fresh identity and personality. Who are they kidding???

They say change can be for the better or the worse. Maybe that's why I dread change. The prospect remains frightening as the road chosen at the fork may steer you into dark, ominous woods with foreboding, towering trees with gnarled, knobbled, knotted roots.
Don't get me wrong. Change is not something you ought to run and hide from. Fair fortune and freedom may wait at the end. Who knows?
The bottom line is Change cannot be parried. Yet when it comes, we should encounter it with discretion. Is fitting in more important than losing the raw substance of your identity that makes you you? Is being 'cool' a reason to throw away whatever you believe in? Is avoiding being a regular haunter at the geek table more important than striving for your goals and ambition to become someone who can make a difference in our warped and twisted society and wrecked world?
Change. Change for the better. Change for something you believe in. Change for reasons you know why and you want to. Change because you believe in yourself. Change to keep it fresh and enjoy the nectar of life. Change to preserve the uniqueness that you harbour. Change to keep evolving into a better and more dynamic, bubbling, multi talented individual. Change.
Because it is truly The Change We Need.

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