Friday, May 15, 2009

The Sum of the Surreal and the Spatial

Numbers swirl
In lateral imagination

They squirm and writhe
My angst, My vexation.

Addition, Subtraction,
Multiplication, Division,
Unreal operations
In an arena beyond vision.

Transposing, confusing
A diabolical play
Of numbers, Of signs
Stewing my brain, crushing it to pâté.

Symbols and units,
Quantities not plausible,
Rearranging into Simultaneous Equations
Solutions are impossible

Figures etched in sand,
Scribbled and Scratched,
Faint with the waves' ebb and flow;
Both sides of the equation don't seem matched.

And in this number void
More hypothetical numbers yet
Irrational, Unreal, Imaginary, Complex;
Mathematical Scrutinization on each set.

This farrago of figures
Jumbled in space
This delving into math vortex
This quest, curiosity and chase

Math, concentrated, calculated and cracked,
The ultimate playtime of a mastermind
Prodding higher thinking order,
Searching for things no one can find.

I do not see, I do not hear,
I do not understand.
The laws, theories and axioms,
That Mathematics does command.

Yet, the human mind looks
Looks for answers with no question
Scavenging for the food
That pains the digestion.

Alas! We must, ironically, surrender
And prop open the vividly unclear
And peer into the vast murky depths,
Of the omnious, foreboding Math
I fear ──Χ

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