Thursday, May 21, 2009

Twitter for Help!

The bird hobbled onto the court. We blinked, perplexed for a moment- the basketball forgotten and the other team, oblivious to the bird's plight, went on dunking baskets.
Poor little thing, the bird was. A sorry state- feathers ruffled, eyes half closed in the sun's glare and quite visibly traumatised by the injury.
Its gait suggested a broken leg or a fractured wing. Either way, the bird was more or else immobile with a respite of waddling a metre or so. We crowded around it, some in awe, some, like me, in anxiety and yet others simply because the rest were conglomerated at half court.
One of the girls managed to gingerly pick the bird up in cupped hands after the bird's futile attempts to take hasty flight out of fear.
After the game came to an unsavoury end after ten minutes or so, I hurried to the four girls who had decided to take the bird away from the court and harm's way.
They were standing in a ring, looking expectantly at the bird. Watching the bird.
"A little water might do him good," I suggested, trying to keep the desperation out of my voice; for before me, curled in the girl's palm lay a fragile, broken bird, weak and in need of immediate assistance.
They provided the water and the bird drank. It drank; gulped gratefully and opened a bleary eye while vigorously shaking his/her head clear. Hope.
The bell rang a dismal note signalling the end of the class. We had a dilemma.
How were we supposed to explain to our Physics Professor the reason for bringing a bird to class?
That's when it went wrong. I did something utterly stupid.
We left the bird there. In the shade, near a big, bright, lush green plant. If we ever got the chance, we'd come back for the bird, we thought. So we thought. Yet, it never happened.
I went home, muddling what was to come for that poor little bird and what fate had in store for him/her.
The next day, rushing to its hideout, I found the bird missing. It had gone.
Maybe Nature took its course and the bird healed and took flight. Maybe it wandered to a safe haven to nurse itself back to prime health. Maybe it went looking for nourishment and kept safe and secure. Maybe. Hopefully.
My heart goes out to that little, pathetic, poor, battered bird (who I have christened Hedwig/Hermes).
Get Well Soon and Be Safe, Lil Birdie!

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