Saturday, October 31, 2009

Life is too short to be somebody else

“Just be yourself.”
Sounds queer, doesn’t it?
If we’re not ourselves, who else can we be?
It’s not unknown that we like fitting in, feeling at home and being part of a ‘family’.
Sometimes along the road to being inducted, we tend to lose ourselves, the people we really are.
They say everyone is unique just like everybody else.
But with the pressure of ‘fitting in society’, our individualities have been eroded and rubbed blunt till we all now seem quite alike.
What is ironic is the fact that toddlers and infants, the ones considered least mature, educated and developed, are the ones that harbour the most uniqueness.
It is later that replication begins and the distinctness is lost.
Imitation usually starts stemming from high school.
Being a teenager in high school is frustrating. The very empire of high school is built on a foundation known as ‘a delicately balanced status quo’.
And all we try to do when we’re at school is to be an undistinguished, accepted fish in the sea, finding comfort in being a part of a club, a group, a crowd.
Well, that’s plain wrong.
Everybody IS somebody.
You can be whoever you want to be.
Don’t be afraid to be unique. Be different- Don’t fit in, stand out!
Sure you’ve heard people preach this a million times and you usually retort that it doesn’t rake in any friends.
But it’s better to have a friend who likes you for who you are not what they want you to be.
So remember, don’t let the World change you, you change the World!

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