Friday, October 30, 2009

Misunderstood Metal

Metal is a form of music that has gathered the following of a few in Bahrain.
But for most part of it, it has been snubbed and has picked up a nasty reputation as it is largely not understood.
Like abstract art, metal music is merely raw expression with limitless freedom.
But this rejection and lack of appreciation has driven the metal scene in Bahrain underground.
There are dozens of unsigned bands out there playing in garages without the means to turn their amazing talent to something productive.
The Bahrain authorities have a rather severe attitude towards Metal having stated 'that it is synonymous to satanic activities', closing down a major concert last year, making people think twice about heavy metal.
Yet metal, besides the black t-shirts and elevated sound levels, is quite harmless and is usually fraught with meaning and emotion.
It is an opportunity for people to express themselves artistically.
The Reflux Festival held recently in the Bahrain International Circuit was an enjoyable experience, with people even conforming to less gothic clothing and all the rules for the sake of the music.
Yet, Bahrain still doesn't understand metal enough to come out in numbers.
The MPs of Bahrain should be less hostile to the Metal scene if it has to develop.
Bahrain is teeming with potential and talent and it is only right that it has to be channelled effectively.
Metal is just like any other genre of music, maybe a few decibels higher. But it still reaches out to the audience with the same messages of hope, change and a better tomorrow.

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