Saturday, October 31, 2009

Not so (Pet)ty

This post is dedicated to our furry friends. No, not the abominable snowmen. I mean the animals in Bahrain, with special emphasis on those that have been abused and abandoned on the streets.
For a relatively small country, Bahrain has an alarming number of stray animals lurking around in alleys and streets, traumatized and scared out of their wits. They are often seen scavenging for food in the rubbish piled high in dumpsters or zipping across streets, frightened and dazed by the blaring honks and the glowering high beams of cars.
It is not their fault that they have been subjected to such a hellish existence, it is ours.
It is we who shut them out of our lives. It is we who refused to care for them. It is we that turned our backs on them and never went looking for them afterwards.
It is infuriating that people adopt pets without a long term plan. They do not sketch out the demanding responsibilities that come with being a pet owner. Is there enough space? Is there time to exercise my dog/cat/flying monkey? Is there a place for him/her to stay while I’m gone?
Summers are the worst time to be a pet. Holiday makers ruthlessly decide to let go of their animals rather than making arrangements for them till they return. This leads to a manifold increase in the stray population in the summer and even though BSPCA is a messiah, it has to be acknowledged that it is just one organization and that it is already overflowing with animals beyond its capacity.
That brings up yet another issue. Dumping your pet in BSPCA during the summer is NOT an option. BSPCA is not a boarding kennel service; it is a sanctuary to care for unfortunate animals.
Another horrific truth about strays in Bahrain is the sickening, gut wrenching abuse they are subjected to. Youngsters find it ‘highly amusing’ and ‘entertaining’ to inflict pain on helpless strays, cutting their ears or setting them on fire; images that make me go sleepless on many nights.
Also, I was aghast to learn that many people were writing letters to newspapers stating that wild(a derogatory term for street animals) dogs should be shot! It was an appalling idea. How can anyone be so cruel as to hurt innocent animals?
Please put an end to this animal holocaust and end the atrocities committed to these defenseless creatures.
Make wise decisions and think twice before adopting or leaving a pet. Do think about your pets and their needs when you move, go for a holiday or are unable to support them any longer.
And also, if you are interested in caring for a pet without bringing it home, contact the BSPCA and you can financially assist an animal by ‘fostering’ it.
Remember animals are just as important as people and abusing them is equivalent to ‘Crimes Against Humanity’.
Help out and do your part! Help Bahrain get animals off the streets and into good, caring homes where they belong!

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