Monday, November 16, 2009

Not So Study Periods

What's the link between a guitar, a stapler, CAS forms and SAT books?
They all point towards the CAS office/Sixth Form library.
It also means I am pointlessly wasting my 'Study Period' whilst a tottering pile of homework awaits me when I manage to drag my sorry tired self home.
I don't really know why teachers even bother to emphasise that it is a Study Period while in the common room, it goes under the pseudonym of 'Free'.
I am blocking out the horrid, excrutiatingly painful image of my Biology Practical write-up and wistfully enjoying in the simple pleasure of idleness. Oh the joy.
Oh waddya know? I've already let ten minutes of my 'free', or to be politically correct 'study period', leak through my lethargic fingers.
Now I shall jet away, to make more fruitful use of my time. For time is never returned, it is transient and temporary available of engraving.
Or I could always go and get a laugh out of past Year 8 Yearbooks...

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