Friday, November 13, 2009

So You Think You Can Veggie?

You claim yourself to be a discipline of the growing religion of Vegetarianism. But are you as Veggie as you think you are?

I think not.

I'm not ashamed in saying I am exceptionally paranoid with the stuff I eat. There has to be written proof that it is 'Suitable for Vegetarians' and any packaging has to be stamped boldly with that Veggie friendly holy green symbol.

Do you still doubt the fact that you may not be truly Vegetarian?

Are you aware of the things you eat and what goes in them?

Here's just 5 things that may appear to be a Veggie Buddy but in the stark, bitter truth of reality, they cunningly conceal the tainted remains of slaughtered animals.

1. Jelly: If you didn't know this by now, you might as well go around with a tatoo on your forehead saying that you're a carnivore. Gelatine is a major component in Jelly. What's gelatine you ask? Gelatine is the icky substance obtained by boiling animal (usually cow's) bones. Shudder.

2. Sweet Corn Soup: Surprised? So was I. I was paralysed with horror as I flipped over the soup powder carton to find the words Chicken Flavour hidden within the ingredients. Oh the cruelty! Well, not all Sweet Corn soups do have chicken in them, but a majority do.

3. French Fries: It's suprising the many varieties of fries that are made with animal derivatives. McDonald's french fries. Ever wondered were that distinctive taste came from? Well, it's from the beef they fry it in. Eew. And a couple of other brands of fries put fish gelatin in them. Yes, fish guts. How utterly revolting.

4. Tofita: The chewy that nearly everyone ate as a kid because of its uber-cool wrappers with the little bizarre fact printed on it. Turns out Tofita does have beef gelatin. Ouch. Won't be eating that anymore, are we?

5. Donuts: Some donuts actually contain pork, lard or other animal derivatives. What a shocking sugar glazed secret! Krispy Kreme was, for a while, thought to have treated their donuts with animal derivatives. Turns out, it was a hoax. The Krispy Kreme donut is one good goody.

So there you have it. 5 normal, nearly daily consumed foods that you thought may be safe. Till you find what's lurking in its contents...

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