Sunday, November 1, 2009


This is a poem I wrote for an English Activity in class. It's a bit crude with a few frayed ends but I decided to post it up anyway. We were given or asked to pick images from a farrago of black and whites and I ended up with a picture of an aquarium crammed with fish. A single normal fish was trashing about in its confines, stuck in the mass of ugly fish. The glass was at the point of collapsing by the looks of it. Using it literally or as a metaphor, we were meant to write a poem. And here is mine.

The neon lights flickered outside
Its dull buzz
Reverberated in the fish tank

A dozen fish
Cramped in its dreary confines
They breathed shallow
Every bubble, a struggle

The farrago of fishes
Trashed in their entrapment
Fighting for the top
To be the tyrant of the tank

The fittest survived at the surface
The weak bore scars of pebbles

The glass cage was their world
In it they were shackled and bound
Under the glowering eyes of microscopes

For aren’t we all…
Prisoners of Civilization?
Specimens of Society?
With Actions so transparent.

We’re all just fish.
In a treacherous sea
Just fish.
Indistinguishable fish.
Trying to be
The King of the Ocean ---x

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