Saturday, December 19, 2009

Good Things Come in Small Packages

Yet another column I wrote for the Gulf Weekly....

Over the last week, Bahrain has been given a rigorous wash-down against a dramatic backdrop of overcast skies, forks of lightening, rumblings of thunder and torrential downpours.
This sudden cascade of rainwater came rather unexpected and naturally, no one was prepared for the consequences.
The slippery roads were filled with both wary and reckless drivers. The vast open lots of sand soon morphed into gigantic pools of muddy water. And shoes squelched in synchronization to the melancholy notes of depressed moods.

Rainstorms can be rather disheartening at times, especially coupled with Sunday Morning blues.
Sleepily on my way back to school, I couldn't help but notice a couple of kids ecstatically playing in puddles.
There is this wonderful, enigmatic joy and energy in watching children play; envious almost, as though we're missing out on something utterly magnificent.

They were enjoying a mere puddle and it got me thinking.
It astonishes me how as we grow up, we forget the little things that dot the sidelines. We're always focused, driven by ambition and in sight of a prospective big picture. We dream of big and better things; accomplishments, glory and success. Every day of our lives, we worry, we strive and we work – a monotonous rut that seems to have blended into our big plans for the unfathomable future.

But in the process, we forget the pixels, the little things that make living such a fantastic experience. When is the last time you took out time from your busy schedule to just stop and smell the flowers? Live in the present. Don't race time; take it on with your own pace. Stop and experience time stand still as you listen to the twitter of birds or feel the wind in your hair, Laugh when a dog licks your face or feed pigeons in a park. Growing up doesn't have to mean all ties, stiff chairs and briefcases.

A puddle may have seemed such a hassle to you but to those kids, it was a glorious time of indulging in the diminutive joys that life has to offer us.
With the holidays fast descending on us, remember to unwind and take some time off. Kick back and relax and see the world in a new light and all those little things that you've been missing yet make your life worth living.

Happy Holidays! :)


Famous Last Words said...

It's too bad we don't realize this when we are kids. We learn it later on in life but not too late - the fun part is actually realizing what we're missing and going and being "a kid" again, at least every now and then!

The Scribbler Kid said...

How true :)
Being a 'kid' again is one of the best feelings ever!