Thursday, December 31, 2009



Oh Your God?

Oh my God!

I just don't get it.

Why do people exclaim OMG! :O at the slightest provocation/surprise/upheaval/upset/intense moments (pick one!)

It's like, Oh My God, What the Foo?

In my mind, it's a holy equation, an involuntary association:

OMG! = Paris Hilton

It's come to a point when even atheists shake thier heads in disbelief and absent-mindedly mutter 'Oh My God!'.

Even Scientologists! Tom Cruise would have looked at his plummeting movie/popularity ratings and ferociously cursed under his breath with the words 'Oh My God' on his lips.
Not, I repeat, Not, 'Oh My Supreme-Alien-Commander'.

Ahh. The once heavy words, weighed down by devotional importance have become a slang thrown around more than confetti in New Year's Eve parties.

Sigh. So much for the Ten Commandments, eh?

Though shall not take thy God's name in vain!

For Real?


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