Monday, December 28, 2009

Shade It Grey

Chapter 2 : Quadratic Equations, Functions and Inequalities

Functions? Do they have functions?

I am quite bemused why my enormous Math text is filled with graphs and visual representations of equations of little importance.

Don't get me wrong.

I love Math.

It's a challenge - a bit of mental gymnastics, if you like.

There's funny numbers, squiggly lines, odd brackets, exasperating asymptotes and tangents and unrealistic variables - Yet they can all be eroded till a single satisfactory answer to a seemingly impossible question is obtained. A quest to reveal the fortified elusive truth!

Personally, I enjoy Algebra - All the transposing, xs and ys, hilarious word equations. (If Amy left New York on a train travelling 50 kmph and Zoe took a train from Toronto travelling 60 kmph, at what time would both the trains pass each other, considering they both started at the same time? I mean, how would you know if the train stopped at a junction or something?)

But Geometry, Alas! , I fail to comprehend the mysterious purpose it conceals.

Endlessly, we sketch surreal shapes - measuring their supposed volume- and draw imaginative graphs with even more complex numbers (some of which are made up).

Thus it is with great impatience that I try to decipher which side of a Quadratic Inequality to shade to get an apparent correct range of answers to the inequation.


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